Steve McClatchy’s


Build Meaningful Connections, Eliminate Conflict, and Radically Improve Engagement

Released February 5, 2025!

About the Book

Renowned leadership mentor and entrepreneur Steve McClatchy delivers a practical and insightful discussion of how to build trust and confidence between and among your colleagues in Leading Relationships. You’ll learn how to examine what makes your best relationships so great, how to manage and develop relationships you did not choose, and how to lead at the highest levels of maturity in all your personal and professional relationships.

McClatchy’s essential Five Levels of Maturity relationship framework will increase your leadership influence as you dissect each level:

  • Level One: Recognizing and acknowledging people
  • Level Two: Exchanging facts and honoring agreements
  • Level Three: Navigating differing opinions
  • Level Four: Playing to strengths and working around weaknesses
  • Level Five: Understanding what motivates us

The Five Levels of Maturity model shows you how to hold people accountable while building loyalty, give feedback that will improve performance, and set clear expectations that will improve teamwork. This book will also show you how to manage egos, immaturity, and games like silent treatment and ghosting between team members, so you can build a culture of respect, high trust, and high performance that will increase engagement and retain your top talent.

Leading Relationships is a can’t-miss guide for managers, executives, directors, human resources professionals, mediators, negotiators, professionals, and consultants who serve companies of all sizes, and anyone else who hopes to improve the way they lead and cooperate with others. It is an essential workplace survival handbook for all levels of an organization, and the concepts and skills taught here are fundamental to understanding and improving your personal relationships as well.

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